Wilber School Redevelopment Committee

February 27th, 2006 Meeting Minutes

Approved March 13th, 2006


Committee Attendees

Jim Goldsmith – Chairperson

Marilyn Z. Kahn

David DePree – Co-Chairperson

Melissa Mills

David Gordon

Joel Tran



Paul Lauenstein – Planning Board



Meeting Initiation

Meeting was called to order at 7:45 pm by Jim Goldsmith.


Meeting Minutes

  • Tran/Gordon moved to accept January 9th minutes as amended. Committee unanimously approved.
  • Tran/Gordon moved to accept February 6th minutes as amended. Committee unanimously approved.



Horsley Witten Group

  1. DePree received a revised proposal from Horsley Witten Group, suggesting an engineering feasibility study to evaluate the maximum amount of sewage flow that can be accommodated on the Wilber site while meeting other specified objectives. HW expects this will result in a detailed design plan for incorporating integrated water management principles into the redevelopment of the site.  DePree discussed the proposal with Peter O’Cain, who has agreed to the process. The project will cost is approximately $62,000; the funds allotted to the WSRC will not cover that amount.
  2. DePree noted that Task 1of the proposal, which discusses a study of neighboring basement flooding would provide information as to which houses could be off- loaded onto the Wilber septic system to lower nitrate levels in Well # 4. The current Weston & Samson Report does not list specific houses; according to DePree, O’Cain confirms the study is needed.
  3. Questions pertaining to the proposal still are unanswered—such as, if the study will include information as to whether more than 10,000gpd can be used; committee members will send DePree questions to email to HW.
  4. While Task 1 (Basement Flooding Evaluation) is being done, the committee needs to evaluate service provider for Tasks 2 – 5  if they are not to be done by HW. Task 2 is to prepare the site plan, Task 3 is Water Conservation and Title 5 Design Flows, Task 4 is Preliminary Engineering Plans for Wastewater and Storm Water and Task 5 is Reports and Meetings. According to O’Cain the proposal does not need to be put out to bid because it is not site specific.
  5. Lauenstein suggested sending postcards to the neighbors who would be affected by the survey and invite them to a meeting to allay any concerns.


Building Status

DePree will email Baskin and suggest capping the top of the Wilber School to reduce further damage.


Future Meetings

March 6th, 7:30 pm, Town Hall Hearing Room – Lower Level


Additional Information

Levitts read information provided by Liebman as follows:

March 9th is a public forum on the Community Preservation Act, including how to apply for grants; Liebman suggested that someone from the WSRC attend.


Meeting Adjournment

      DePree /Tran moved to adjourn meeting at 8:45 pm; passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,

Rachelle F. Levitts